Family Medicine

We provide:
  • continuing, comprehensive healthcare for the whole family
  • vaccinations(eg kddies' vaccines, HPV and tetanus)
  •  IV-therapy's(aka 'Jet Fuel', Vit C and Glutathione drips)
We are also equipped to do most minor procedures that can be done in-rooms

Occupational health

We deliver occupational health services to various industries and mines monitoring the health, safety, and related performance of workers. 

We offer full occupational medical examinations to fit the needs of any industry (including Hearing tests, lung function, vision testing, ECG's and drug testing).

Travel medicine

We focus on providing preventative medical care for all travelers' health needs(eg vaccines, malaria prophylaxis etc). 

We are also registered with the DOH to provide  vaccinations against tropical diseases (such as yellow fever).